Every student wants to crack NEET 2023 on their first attempt but the main question is “how “. Have you heard the proverb, “half the battle is already won if you are able to execute the things that you have planned for yourself”? It is clear why not everyone succeeds or why not everyone is at the top: most people lack the necessary willpower and perseverance.
The majority of people make plans but never carry them out. They design an unworkable plan, which causes them to doubt themselves and ultimately fail.
We must not only pass the exam but also achieve a high ranking. A proper timetable may make or break a game.
Let’s take a look at what a NEET 2023 aspirant’s ideal timetable should include:
- Sleep
- Formulate a checklist
- Coaching classes
- Daily chores
- Revise
- Take small breaks
- Question hour
Here we are going to talk about some applied things by most of the medical students or you can say NEET Aspirants and you should know “how to crack NEET 2023 in the first attempt” one by one.
Should we put our sleep-in jeopardy? According to the research, one should not put their sleep at risk. A decent night’s sleep of 6-7 hours is recommended. Some children sleep for 6 hours at night and take a power nap for 1 hour in the afternoon. It has an effect on your output if you don’t get enough sleep.
Formulate a checklist
Make a checklist of everything you need to complete the next day every night before you go to bed to prevent missing crucial issues or procrastinating. Make a list of the questions, issues, and doubts you intend to address the following day. This helps you organize your energies and determine your focus from the moment you wake up.
Coaching classes
This is the period when you will be trained or just gain knowledge from your coaching class; during this time, your syllabus will be covered; all you need to do is make good notes. Half of the burden is lifted when you create good study material. The study materials from Vidya Hub Institute are the most reliable. We give you relevant and clear information about what you need to study for your exam.
Daily chores
This includes things like having a bath, keeping the mind quiet, chatting with friends or family, and going for a stroll. Remember that this is an equally vital portion of your day as your studies. As a result, set aside at least 2 hours for this. Another critical point to remember is to stay on schedule. Keep your focus fixed, stay motivated, and leave all distractions behind.
Review all you learned in the coaching, or if you conducted self-study, go through the subject again to ensure that it is well embedded in your mind and that there are no backlogs. When you start to have backlogs, you have a problem. “Revise Daily” should become your mantra.
Take small breaks
Anything that relaxes your mind can be done, such as listening to music, going for a walk, working out, or playing with a pet.
Question hour
Spend time tackling numerical problems in physics as well as queries in chemistry and biology. You can also use NCERT to keep track of your studies. Note: You must stay within the confines of your syllabus, and what could be better than NCERT to cover your NEET syllabus?
Some Other Questions you have to give attention if you are planning to crack NEET 2023.
Is NCERT enough to crack NEET 2023?
You’ll need either very good tutorials or comprehensive notes to get a hold of the syllabus of subjects like biology, organic, and inorganic chemistry. Good professors can be found at offline coaching institutes or on YouTube channels.
You can trust that your future is in worthy hands by taking free demo sessions from all the highly qualified teachers of VidyaHub Institute. VidyaHub is available in both online and offline modes; you can also subscribe to our YouTube channel to get a better understanding.
Talking about Physics and Physical Chemistry necessitates both NCERT and coaching notes.
So yes! NCERT is, without a doubt, crucial. Along with lessons, you can undertake coaching courses, good tutorials, notes, models, previous year questions, and so on, but NCERT is your foundation. It should be your bible, and you can rely on it completely.
What is Syllabus to crack NEET 2023?
Let’s talk about the exam pattern, first of all, questions from Physics, Chemistry, Botany, and Zoology will be asked for 720 marks. You will have 1 question for 4 marks and a negative marking (- 1) for every wrong answer. Questions come in MCQ form.
The four subjects will be divided into two parts by doing Section A and Section B. Section A will be of 35 questions and Section B will be of 15 questions
Class 11th Syllabus |
Class 12th Syllabus |
Physical-world and measurement |
Electro statistics |
Kinematics |
Current Electricity |
Laws of Motion |
Magnetic effects of Current and Magnetism |
Work, Energy, and Power |
Electromagnetic induction and alternating currents |
Motion of systems of particles and rigid body |
Electromagnetic waves |
Gravitation |
Optics |
Properties of Bulk Matter |
Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation |
Oscillations and wave |
Atoms and Nuclei |
Thermodynamics |
Electronic Devices |
Behavior of Perfect Gas and Kinetic theory |
Class 11th Syllabus |
Class 12th Syllabus |
Some basic concepts of Chemistry
Solid-state |
Structure of atom |
Solutions |
Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties |
Electrochemistry |
Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure |
Chemical Kinetics |
States of Matter: Gases and liquids |
Surface Chemistry |
Thermodynamics |
General principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements |
Equilibrium |
P Block elements |
Redox reactions |
D and F block elements |
Electronic Devices |
s-Block elements (Alkali and Alkaline earth metals) |
Coordination compounds |
Some p-Block elements |
Haloalkanes and Haloarenes |
Organic Chemistry – Some basic principles and techniques |
Alcohols, Phenols, and Ethers |
Hydrocarbons |
Aldehydes, Ketones, and Carboxylic Acids |
Environmental chemistry |
Organic compounds containing Nitrogen, Biomolecules, Polymers, and Chemistry in everyday life. |
Class 11th Syllabus |
Class 12th Syllabus |
Diversity in the Living World |
Reproduction |
Structural Organisation – Plants and Animals |
Genetics and Evolution |
Cell Structure and Function |
Biology and Human welfare |
Physiology |
Biotechnology and its applications |
Human physiology |
Ecology and environment |
How many attempts does a student have to clear neet?
You must be 17 years old or have been born on or before December 31st. You will not be able to take the exam if you do not fall into this group. The Supreme Court hasn’t set any maximum limit on age, although according to the NTA’s records, the maximum limit for General and EWS is 25 years, and for OBC/SC/ST, it is 30 years. Ideally, there would be no age or attempt restriction.
What if, if I have Biology as an additional subject?
As of yet, the Supreme Court has not reached a decision on the matter.
So, you are qualified to take this NEET test if you have PCM and biology as an extra subject.
How many marks are required in Crack NEET 2023?
Here is the category-wise score to get into either AIIMS, good government colleges, or state private colleges.
AIIMS or government colleges have high cut-offs. Three categories:
For General- 650+
How you should approach each of the subjects is physics, chemistry, and biology.
Firstly, read the NCERT, then the class notes, then the MCQs, and finally the exam series for that concept. Students at VidyaHub feel that they have all that they need right from the modules to notes, assignments, test series, and amazing lectures, among other things. Are you also intrigued? Join us; we are the top online and offline institute for NEET and JEE preparation.
A tip for you would be that your class notes should have everything. So, write everything in your notes. Form one logbook for all the MCQ questions in which you had made mistakes, so during revision you only need to focus on those.
If you find a concept difficult to learn or understand, make it easier for yourself by employing mnemonics and anecdotes, such as the periodic table. Physics, on the other hand, is mostly a problem-solving discipline, therefore strive to complete as many problems as possible and master your principles.
You will gain more conceptual clarity as you start practicing more questions, therefore don’t spend your time reading physics textbooks because it requires more and more practice. As biology and parts of chemistry are theory-based, a lot of re-reading of textbooks is required.
Remember if you are going for some extra points or extra knowledge, always seek guidance from your tutors, they know very well what extra concepts or knowledge, do you require. Because if you want to study extra there is no limit but you can find the limit for that extra information by setting borders, solving previous question papers, and following what your teacher says.
Learn only the significant extra stuff as it is important to get a good rank, as a higher rank will increase your chance to get into a better college, so definitely learn that extra, which is needed.