Showing Result
S.No. | Chapter Name | Download Link |
1 | Physical World | Download |
2 | Units And Measurements | Download |
3 | Motion in a Straight Line | Download |
4 | Motion In A Plane | Download |
5 | Laws of Motion | Download |
6 | Work, Energy And Power | Download |
7 | System of Particles and Rotational Motion | Download |
8 | Gravitation | Download |
9 | Mechanical Properties of Solids | Download |
10 | Mechanical Properties of Fluids | Download |
11 | Thermal Properties of Matter | Download |
12 | Thermodynamics | Download |
13 | Kinetic Theory | Download |
14 | Oscillations | Download |
15 | Waves | Download |
NCERT Solutions for Class 11th Physics
VidyaHub NCERT solutions for Class 11th Physics are the best solutions for CBSE students. For JEE aspirants’ physics can be one of the toughest subjects to study for. However, through the best NCERT solutions provided by VidyaHub to Class 11th Students, one can achieve success easily in this subject. These solutions are carved out by our extremely qualified and professional teachers.
The solutions are neat and easily understandable. Even the weakest student can learn easily through these solutions. One thing to keep in mind about the NCERT solutions for Class 11th Physics provided by VidyaHub is that these solutions are not everything. Students must learn from the textbook and only use these solutions as help. If a student thinks this is not enough, then he/she can try VidyaHub, the best institute for IIT-JEE in Rohini and Paschim Vihar, Delhi.
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NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Physics
Chapter 1 – Physical World
Humans have always been inquisitive about their surroundings. Since time immemorial, humans have been intrigued by the night sky and its dazzling celestial objects. The constant repeats of day and night, the yearly cycle of seasons, eclipses, tides, volcanoes, and the rainbow have long been fascinating. The earth has an astounding array of materials as well as a baffling variety of life and behaviour. The enquiring and inventive human mind has reacted to nature's wonder and awe in many ways. From the beginning, one kind of reaction has been to closely monitor the physical world, search for any significant patterns and relationships in natural events, and construct and employ new instruments to engage with nature. This human endeavour eventually led to contemporary science and technology. Physics is the natural science that investigates matter, its basic elements, motion and behaviour in space and time, as well as the associated phenomena of energy and force. Physics is one of the most basic scientific fields, with the primary purpose of understanding how the universe functions. Physics is one of the oldest academic sciences, and perhaps the oldest, due to its integration with astronomy.
Chapter 1 of Physics NCERT book is supposed to help students in understanding what Physics is and how it can help students. VidyaHub’s NCERT Solutions for Chapter 1: Physical World is the best NCERT Solution for Class 11th available on the internet.
Chapter 2 - Units and Measurements
Any physical amount is measured by comparing it to a fundamental, arbitrarily selected, internationally agreed reference standard known as a unit. The outcome of a physical quantity measurement is stated as a number (or numerical measure) followed by a unit. Although the number of physical quantities seems to be enormous, we only use a small number of units to describe all of them since they are interrelated. The units obtained for the derived values are referred to as derived units. The system of units is a comprehensive collection of these units, including both basic and derived units.
Chapter 2 of Physics NCERT book is supposed to help students in understanding what units of measurement are. VidyaHub’s NCERT Solutions for Chapter 2: Units & Measurements is the best NCERT Solution for Class 11th available on the internet.
Chapter 3 - Motion in a Straight Line
Everything in the cosmos is in motion. Motion is defined as the change in the location of an item over time. In many real-world settings, the size of objects may be ignored and they can be treated as point-like objects with little inaccuracy. When an object's location with regard to its surroundings varies over time, it is said to be in motion. Motion is a change in an object's position over a period of time. A straight-line motion is nothing more than a linear motion. As the name implies, it is in a certain straight line, hence it may be considered to employ just one dimension.
Chapter 3 of Physics NCERT book is supposed to help students in understanding how to characterise motion. This chapter constructs the ideas of velocity and acceleration for this. The focus is put on the motion of objects in a straight line, often known as rectilinear motion. A set of simple equations may be found for the situation of rectilinear motion with uniform acceleration. Finally, the idea of relative velocity is introduced in this chapter to better grasp the relative character of motion. VidyaHub’s NCERT Solutions for Chapter 3: Motion in a Straight Line is the best NCERT Solution for Class 11th available on the internet.
Chapter 4 - Motion in a Plane
Motion on a plane refers to motion in two dimensions since a plane is made up of just two dimensions. Taking the preceding into account, we examine two axes - often the X-axis or the Y-axis. However, in order to represent the motion of an object in two dimensions (a plane) or three dimensions (space), we must utilise vectors to express the physical quantities indicated above. Circular motion is also a well-known kind of motion which will be discussed in this chapter that plays an important role in everyday life.
Chapter 4 of Physics NCERT book is supposed to help students in understanding what exactly is a vector. We will understand this so that we may use vectors to define velocity and acceleration in a plane. We will explore motion with constant acceleration as a basic instance of motion in a plane then go through projectile motion in depth. We will go into uniform circular motion in depth. The equations presented in this chapter for planar motion may be simply extended to three dimensions. VidyaHub’s NCERT Solutions for Chapter 4 - Motion in a Plane is the best NCERT Solution for Class 11th available on the internet.
Chapter 5 - Laws of Motion
Someone must kick a football at rest in order for it to move. To toss a stone upwards, one must first push it upwards. A breeze causes tree branches to sway, and strong wind may move large things. A boat travels along a river without being rowed. Clearly, some external force is required to move a body from rest. Similarly, an external force is required to slow or halt motion. A ball rolling down an inclined plane may be stopped by providing a force in the opposite direction of its motion. The external agent of force (hands, wind, stream, etc.) is in touch with the item in these situations. This is not usually required. A stone thrown from the top of a building speeds downhill owing to the earth's gravitational attraction. From a distance, a bar magnet may attract an iron nail. This demonstrates that external agents (such as gravitational and magnetic forces) may exert force on a body even from a great distance away. In summary, a force is necessary to move a stationary body or halt a moving body, and this force must be provided by an external agent. The body may or may not be in touch with the external agency. Laws of motion are three fundamental classical mechanics rules that define the connection between an object's motion and the forces acting on it.
Chapter 5 of Physics NCERT book is supposed to help students in understanding what determines the motion of bodies. VidyaHub’s NCERT Solutions for Chapter 5 - Laws of Motion is the best NCERT Solution for Class 11th available on the internet.
Chapter 6 - Work, Energy and Power
In common English, the phrases 'labour,' 'energy,' and 'power' are regularly employed. A farmer ploughing the field, a construction worker lugging bricks, a student preparing for a competitive test, and an artist painting a lovely scene are all considered to be at work. However, in physics, the term "Work" refers to a specific and defined meaning. Someone who can work 14-16 hours a day is considered to have a lot of endurance or energy. A long-distance runner is admired for her stamina and energy. Thus, energy is our ability to accomplish labour. In Physics, the word 'energy' is also connected to work in this way, however as previously said, the term 'work' is defined much more specifically. In daily life, the term "power" is used with several connotations. We speak about 'strong' blows in karate and boxing. These are sent really quickly. This connotation is similar to the definition of the term 'power' in physics.
Chapter 6 of Physics NCERT book is supposed to help students discover that there's just a shaky link between physical definitions and the physiological images that conjure up in our heads. The purpose of this chapter is to help students grasp Work, Energy and Power. VidyaHub’s NCERT Solutions for Chapter 6 - Work, Energy and Power is the best NCERT Solution for Class 11th available on the internet.
Chapter 7 - System of Particles and Rotational Motion
Every physical body has a fixed size. When dealing with the motion of extended bodies (bodies of finite size), the idealised concept of a particle is often insufficient. A vast class of issues involving extended bodies may be handled by treating them as rigid bodies. A rigid body is one that has a totally distinct and constant form. The distances between any two particles in such a body remain constant. This definition of a rigid body shows that no actual body is genuinely rigid, since real bodies flex under the impact of forces. However, in many cases, the deformations are insignificant. In contrast, in a variety of scenarios involving bodies like wheels, tops, steel beams, molecules, and planets, we may overlook the fact that they warp (twist out of shape), bend, or vibrate and perceive them as rigid.
Chapter 7 of Physics NCERT book is supposed to start with a look at the overall motion of the system. This chapter discusses the motion of the centre of mass of a particle system and how it may help students comprehend the motion of extended entities. VidyaHub’s NCERT Solutions for Chapter 7 - System of Particles and Rotational Motion is the best NCERT Solution for Class 11th available on the internet.
Chapter 8 – Gravitation
Anything thrown up falls to the ground, travelling uphill is much more tiresome than going downhill, droplets from the clouds above fall to the ground, and there are several more comparable events. Galileo (1564-1642), an Italian physicist, was the first to recognise that all bodies, regardless of mass, are propelled towards the earth at a constant rate. He is supposed to have made a public display of this information. To discover the truth, he probably conducted experiments with corpses rolling down inclined planes and came at a value of gravity's acceleration that is near to the more correct value discovered later. Around the same time as Galileo, a nobleman from Denmark named Tycho Brahe (1546-1601) spent his whole life documenting observations of the planets with the naked eye. His data were subsequently analysed by his assistant Johannes Kepler (1571-1640). He was able to derive three beautiful rules from the data, which became known as Kepler's laws. Newton was aware of these rules, which allowed him to make a significant scientific leap in proposing his universal law of gravity. Gravity, often known as gravitation, is the universal force of attraction that acts between all matter in mechanics. It is by far the weakest known natural force and consequently has no influence on the interior characteristics of common stuff.
Chapter 8 of Physics NCERT book helps students in understanding and learn more about gravity. VidyaHub’s NCERT Solutions for Chapter 8 - Gravitation is the best NCERT Solution for Class 11th available on the internet.
Chapter 9 - Mechanical Properties of Solids
A rigid body is a hard solid item with a defined form and size. In fact, however, bodies may be stretched, crushed, and bent. When a sufficiently enough external force is applied to a sufficiently hard steel bar, it may be deformed. This implies that solid bodies are not completely rigid. A solid has a specific form and size. A force is necessary to modify (or deform) the shape or size of a body. Elasticity is the property of a body that allows it to restore its previous size and shape when a force is removed, and elastic deformation is the distortion induced by this attribute. The elastic behaviour of materials is critical in engineering design. For example, while constructing a construction, understanding the elastic characteristics of materials such as steel, concrete, and so on is critical.
Chapter 9 of Physics NCERT book helps students in understanding how to investigate the elastic behaviour and mechanical characteristics of solids, which will provide answers to many real-life problems. VidyaHub’s NCERT Solutions for Chapter 9 - Mechanical Properties of Solids is the best NCERT Solution for Class 11th available on the internet.
Chapter 10 - Mechanical Properties of Fluids
Because liquids and gases can flow, they are referred to be fluids. This feature is fundamental in distinguishing liquids and gases from solids. Fluids surround us at all times. The Earth is surrounded by air, and water covers two-thirds of its surface. Water is not just important for our survival; it makes up the majority of every mammalian body. Fluids mediate all activities that occur in living creatures, including plants. Understanding the behaviour and characteristics of fluids is so critical. The volume of a solid, liquid, or gas is determined by the stress or pressure applied to it. The distinction between gases and solids or liquids is that the change in volume due to changes in external pressure is much less for solids or liquids.
Chapter 10 of Physics NCERT book helps students in understanding how to look at some of the most common physical features of liquids and gases. VidyaHub’s NCERT Solutions for Chapter 10 - Mechanical Properties of Fluids is the best NCERT Solution for Class 11th available on the internet.
Chapter 11 - Thermal Properties of Matter
Temperature is a measure of a body's 'hotness.' A kettle filled with boiling water is hotter than an ice box. As we now know, the thermal characteristics of matter are those that cause a matter to conduct heat or that determine the nature of the matter in the presence of heat. When heat travels through an item, it exhibits thermal qualities.
Chapter 11 of Physics NCERT book helps students in understanding what heat is and how to measure it, as well as the numerous processes through which heat travels from one body to another. VidyaHub’s NCERT Solutions for Chapter 11 - Thermal Properties of Matter is the best NCERT Solution for Class 11th available on the internet.
Chapter 12 – Thermodynamics
Thermodynamics is the discipline of physics that studies heat and temperature, as well as the interconversion of heat and other kinds of energy. It is concerned with bulk systems rather than the molecular structure of stuff. In reality, before the molecular image of the matter was clearly established, its notions and principles were developed in the nineteenth century. The thermodynamic description requires a small number of macroscopic system variables that are suggested by common sense and can typically be tested directly. A microscopic description of a gas, for example, would include identifying the coordinates and velocities of the gas's vast number of molecules. The description of gases in kinetic theory is not very thorough, but it does include the molecular distribution of velocities. Thermodynamics is not concerned with the mobility of the whole system. It is concerned with the body's interior macroscopic condition.
Chapter 12 of Physics NCERT book helps students in understanding and learn more about Thermodynamics. VidyaHub’s NCERT Solutions for Chapter 12 - Thermodynamics is the best NCERT Solution for Class 11th available on the internet.
Chapter 13 - Kinetic Theory
The kinetic theory describes the behaviour of gases by assuming that the gas is made up of quickly moving atoms or molecules. This is conceivable because inter-atomic interactions, which are short-range forces crucial in solids and liquids, may be ignored in gases. It provides a molecular interpretation of a gas's pressure and temperature and is compatible with gas laws and Avogadro's theory. It accurately describes the specific heat capacity of numerous gases. It also connects quantifiable gas qualities like viscosity, conduction, and diffusion to molecular parameters, producing estimates of molecule sizes and masses.
Chapter 13 of Physics NCERT book helps students in providing an overview of kinetic theory. VidyaHub’s NCERT Solutions for Chapter 13 - Kinetic Theory is the best NCERT Solution for Class 11th available on the internet.
Chapter 14 – Oscillations
A boat tossing up and down in a river, the piston of a steam engine running back and forth, a wall clock’s pendulum and so on are all examples of oscillatory motion. The study of oscillatory motion is fundamental to physics; its principles are essential to comprehend many physical processes. Vibrating strings that generate attractive sounds are found in musical instruments such as the sitar, guitar, and violin. Drum membranes and telephone and speaker diaphragms vibrate to and fro around their mean locations. Sound transmission is enabled by the vibrations of air molecules. Atoms in a solid oscillate around their equilibrium locations, with the average energy of the vibrations proportional to temperature. The voltage from an alternating current power source oscillates between positive and negative values around the mean value (zero).
Chapter 14 of Physics NCERT book helps students in providing an overview of oscillatory motion. VidyaHub’s NCERT Solutions for Chapter 14 - Oscillations is the best NCERT Solution for Class 11th available on the internet.
Chapter 15 – Waves
Waves are patterns that move without the actual physical transfer or movement of matter as a whole. Waves convey energy, and disturbance patterns carry information from one place to another. All communications rely on the transfer of signals through waves. Speech is the generation of sound waves in the air, and hearing is the detecting of those waves. Communication often includes many types of waves. Mechanical waves are the most common sort of wave, including string waves, water waves, sound waves, seismic waves, and so on. These waves cannot propagate in a vacuum because they need a medium to do so. They are caused by oscillations of component particles and are affected by the elastic characteristics of the medium.
Chapter 15 of Physics NCERT book helps students by providing an overview of Waves. VidyaHub’s NCERT Solutions for Chapter 15 - Waves is the best NCERT Solution for Class 11th available on the internet.
Why choose VidyaHub’s NCERT Solutions?
- Still confused as to why choose VidyaHub’s NCERT Solutions for Physics over other institutes and Webpages? Don’t be! Here’s why:
- BETTER THAN CLASSROOMS: When we said that we are going to provide the best NCERT solutions for class 11 CBSE, we meant it. The detailing, the language, and the understanding that our solutions have is a match of nowhere, even in physical classrooms.
- REVISION: What a student learns in school, a revision of it is needed at home. All the exercises that are done in school should be revised with solutions at hand. VidyaHub provides those solutions to students.
- SELF-STUDY: A teacher making a student learn is good but it is not entirely effective. Self-study, on the other hand, may be an efficient technique to review your courses using CBSE Class 11 Solutions. A student may be able to organize studies in any way he/she likes since no one is forcing him/her to study a certain subject or take an exam. Self-study can only succeed when it is done through the best class 11 NCERT solutions. The solutions, which we are promising.
- ORGANIZED: Covering the complete CBSE Class 11 curriculum for the test is an enormous endeavour. However, if a student is determined to succeed, he/she might arrange the rewriting in stages or one chapter at a time. Our learning tools, which include NCERT answers for CBSE Class 11 textbook solutions, are organized by chapter. A student can choose any chapter based on his/her preferences.
- FAQs
- What is the syllabus for Class 11th Physics CBSE?
- All the chapters that will come in the Class 11th Physics exam are:
- Physical World
- Units and Measurements
- Motion in a Straight Line
- Motion in a Plane
- Laws of Motion
- Work, Energy, and Power
- Systems of Particles and Rotational Motion
- Gravitation
- Mechanical Properties of Solids
- Mechanical Properties of Fluids
- Thermal Properties of Matter
- Thermodynamics
- Kinetic Theory
- Oscillations
- Waves
- Which institute provides the best NCERT Solutions?
- VidyaHub provides the best NCERT solutions. For JEE aspirants VidyaHub is the best lifeline. It not only provides the best study material to students but also gives tips and tricks to top the exam through its blogs.
- Is Class 11th Physics tough?
- Class 11th Physics is not tough. It is only difficult for students who are not able to get the right guide or study material. VidyaHub provides everything a student needs to top the exam. It is only a matter of letting the potential out.
- Which institute is best in Rohini and Paschim Vihar for JEE?
- VidyaHub is the best institute for JEE in Rohini and Paschim Vihar, Delhi. All the teachers are qualified and highly experienced. The environment that is provided to students is seen nowhere else.